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How To Fix Your Background Check
Written by Background Check Repair
Background Checks | May 15, 2024

When you apply for a job they often run a background check on you before even deciding on an interview.
Unfortunately, a “real” background check takes more money and time than many employers are willing to take. So they used one of the cheaper “for fun” background sites on the internet.
These sites have all sorts of inaccurate records and duplicate records. One common example is someone with the same name as you can easily cause you to appear to have criminal records. This happens because these sites just want to appear to have as much information as possible instead of allowing searches by birthday or social security number.
The end result is you don’t end up getting the job when they see anything that might be used. They have another 100 qualified applicants after all.
There are many sites to remove your information, but it’s mostly a quick process
We are currently working on creating our guides for this site but right now the best guides we’ve found on the internet are here:
- How To Remove Your Records from Data Gemba
- How To Remove Your Records from Oracle
- How To Remove Your Records from Deathrecords.org
- How To Remove Your Records from Find People Search
- How To Remove Your Records from Dentists California
- How To Remove Your Records from Criminal Screen
- How To Remove Your Records from Detective Unlimited
- How To Remove Your Records from DirectMail.com
- How To Remove Your Records from CriminalSearches.com
- How To Remove Your Records from DivorceRecords.org
- How To Remove Your Records from Criminal Watch Dog
The first 15 or so sites are what we’ve seen most employers using so if you only remove yourself from those you will probably be set.
Removing yourself from every site is something certainly worth doing if you have the time. But just the first page should be enough for most people.
There is no guarantee, unfortunately.
There are times when some sites just seem to refuse to remove a record for whatever reason. Or sometimes they remove a record and it appears again a while later.
We don’t want to pretend we can provide a solution to everyone’s problem. Our goal is to do our best to help as many people as we can but some people do end up requiring a level of help we cannot provide.