Are there USPS Background Check Disqualifiers?
Yes, there are USPS background check disqualifiers. However, there is no list available for disqualifiers because USPS takes into consideration every individual’s case.
Written by Background Check Repair
Background Checks | June 7, 2024
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Anyone considering applying for a position with the United States Postal Service (USPS) are often curious about any USPS background check disqualifiers and the most recent hiring process involved.
Although laws change frequently, the USPS is fairly transparent about its hiring process, the type of background checks that are performed, and what individuals should expect when applying for a position with the USPS.
Working or a federal agency, there are specific requirements for employment.
This complete guide explains the USPS background check disqualifiers and the steps to take before applying to achieve success.
The one aspect of the USPS hiring process that most individuals will be concerned with is the USPS background check.
The background check for the USPS is likely to be somewhat different than what most individuals have experienced before when it comes to a pre-employment background screening.
All U.S. citizens may complete a profile on the USA jobs website, which enables federal employers to search for candidates.
This slightly unusual process is fairly standard when it comes to jobs in the federal government due to the somewhat unique nature of the work and what employees will have access to, as well as the fact that USPS workers are considered public employees.1
The check involves both a General Information Services (GIS) check, as well as a National Agency Check with Inquiries (NACI) check, which is the least invasive check used by the federal government for employees who will not be working with sensitive information.
Fortunately, USPS background check disqualifiers are clearly outlined by the Office of the Inspector General.
Many people are surprised by what is considered a disqualifier, as opposed to information that is considered more of a red flag. In fact, the USPS does not have any official disqualifiers when it comes to criminal history information.
As long as the other requirements for the USPS are met such as citizenship, then any kind of criminal history information will be considered.2
One of the most common reasons that individuals will fail the USPS background check is because they failed to disclose criminal history information.
There are lots of misconceptions about how far back a USPS background check can go, with many individuals under the impression that it will only go back 5 years.
However this is not true, and the misconception stems from a misinterpretation of the background check procedures.
When filling in the background check-related forms through GIS, applicants will be asked to enter the address of every residence they have lived at in the last 5 years. This leads individuals to believe that the criminal history check will only go back 5 years, however the check will go back as far as possible in each of the counties the individual has resided in.
This leaves the possibility that an individual’s criminal record from 20 years ago will appear on the check if they have lived in the county where the charges were filed in the last 5 years.
Individuals should disclose any and all criminal history information when prompted to avoid losing the opportunity. USPS prides itself on helping to rehabilitate former felons and any individual with a criminal record.
When it comes to what is considered a USPS background check red flag, the list will likely seem fairly familiar. Basically, any kind of criminal history information will be considered a red flag, however the less serious the crime, the more likely it is to be overlooked.
Regardless of the crime, there is a strong possibility that the USPS hiring manager will want to discuss the charges with the individual.
Generally, the following crimes are less likely to be overlooked, should they appear on a criminal history check.
The USPS background check hiring process is slightly more complicated than what many individuals will be used to. However the process is still fairly simple and doesn’t require any kind of special preparation.
Once individuals have been through the initial assessments and interviews, they may receive a conditional job offer that will be dependent on the background check that is required. Some people may find it odd to receive a background check before offer, but they should realize that this is critical for the application process.
When this happens the hiring manager will schedule a time to take down the individual’s fingerprints. Once fingerprints are taken the applicant will receive an email with detailed steps on how to submit information for their background check.
Individuals who have been fingerprinted should begin looking for this email immediately after being fingerprinted as there is only a 3-day period to submit the information. Individuals should be careful not to procrastinate on these forms as they require tons of detailed information and will likely take over an hour to complete.
Once all the required information has been entered, individuals can submit their background check forms electronically. Background check times with the USPS vary but are generally completed in less than two weeks.
USPS job applicants may register and log in to the USPS website to help them speed up the application process.
Once complete, individuals will receive an email with the findings of the check as well as an email from their supervisor regarding an orientation date and other general onboarding information.
Some individuals might be disappointed to find a USPS failed background check email in their inbox. However, individuals should be somewhat wary as sometimes these emails are sent out in error.
If this failed background check comes as a surprise, such as individuals who have no criminal history, then individuals should contact their supervisor to discuss why the application resulted in the job offer being revoked.
As mentioned, even if the individual has a criminal history, as long as it was disclosed beforehand there is a good chance the supervisor will at least discuss the charges with the individual to determine if they are still a good fit for the role despite their criminal history.
Many individuals will be eager to get started at their new job and will be wondering how long does USPS background check take. Although the check is performed by a private company, which tends to indicate a shorter wait time, the USPS background check is somewhat unique and so many people are curious about how long a fingerprint background screening takes.
Despite being performed by GIS, the fingerprint-based background check will cause the check to take longer than many people are used to, about two weeks.
However, in some cases the GIS check can take even longer, individuals who have not heard back about their check should contact GIS to see if there are any problems with their check that need to be fixed.
In certain cases, individuals will undergo a USPS background check before interview, although this may seem odd, it has more to do with the unique requirements of working for the federal government than anything else. One of the main goals of the USPS background check is to determine if the individual is even eligible to work for the U.S. Government.
The exact requirements are listed on the USPS website under the “Employment requirements drop-down menu.”
Although many positions in the federal government involve an FBI background check which can be a problem for some people especially if you think about how far back an FBI background check goes, fortunately, this is not the case with the Postal Service.
Instead, individuals will undergo a GIS background check USPS.
GIS is a private background check provider that is privately contracted with the USPS to perform background checks on their employees. This results in a check that is somewhat less intensive than the background checks which is a relief if you are anxious about what federal background screening is for.
When it comes to how far back does a NACI background check go, individuals should first understand what a NACI background check is. Basically, the NACI background check is the check performed on all low-level government employees, mainly those that will not have any access to sensitive information.
This is a basic check that will use FBI data, local police information, and state police information to ensure the individual meets the basic requirements to work for the government. Unlike more thorough criminal history checks that can go back forever, a NACI check will only go back 5 years.3
Those wondering what does GIS background check look for should be aware that the GIS check is far more thorough and intensive than the NACI check. A GIS check will analyze local criminal history information for every county the applicant has lived in during the last 5 years.
Other criminal history checks of various databases will also be checked such as state, national, and federal criminal databases. Aside from searching for charge and conviction information, the background check will also include basic identity verification, at the very least.
For some people, what appears in a criminal background check can be agonizing. However, with the proper planning, you should be able to come up with ways to prepare in advance.
When it comes to USPS background check disqualifiers, most individuals should be worried about the GIS check, rather than the NACI check as the latter is far less thorough and is mostly determining public trust.
Besides these standard checks GIS will search for a variety of other information based on the information the applicant provided as well as the position that they are applying for.4 Certain higher-level jobs will involve a credit history check.5
Driving record checks are also commonly performed for USPS applicants if they are applying for a position that requires driving.
Finally, GIS will also conduct investigations into the information listed on the application such as education verification, employment verification, and verifications of any licenses or certifications the applicant listed in the forms they submitted to GIS.
Plenty of individuals will be wanting to know their NACI background check USPS status. Unfortunately, trying to find out how much longer individuals will need to wait for their NACI check to be completed is extremely difficult.
Not only is there no way to check the status online, but the check can take several months to complete in many cases. Although this may seem like a deal-breaker when it comes to working for the USPS, the main purpose of the check is to determine if the individual meets public trust requirements.
Due to this relatively low-risk reason for the check is performed, the USPS and other government agencies will grant interim contracts to the employees so that they can begin working while the check is being processed.
Individuals looking for the NACI background check phone number so that they can check the status of their background check should know that there is currently no way for applicants to contact the agency that performs NACI checks. Any questions should be directed to the individual’s supervisor.
Individuals seeking a NACI background check USPS login will simply need to wait for the email from their supervisor which will contain both the USPS offer letter as well as the link to create a login and submit the necessary information for the NACI background check.
The NACI background check timeline is extremely long in many cases. This may come as a surprise for many individuals since this is one of two background checks that must be completed to work for the USPS.
However, much of the information that the NACI is checking is somewhat difficult to obtain and there are generally thousands of checks being performed at a time. With all that said, the waiting time can range from several weeks to as long as a year.
As mentioned, this is usually not a major issue as many individuals will be offered interim contracts so that they can begin their work while this portion of the background check is being processed.
Many people will be somewhat confused as to what happens after USPS background check. Assuming the GIS background check did not yield any information that needs further review by the hiring manager, then orientation information will be sent to the individual since the offer letter generally precedes the background check.
When it comes to the NACI check, once this is finished the individual will receive a permanent employment contract instead of the interim one they may have already received.
The USPS fingerprinting process is extremely simple, and individuals who have been fingerprinted before, perhaps as part of an FBI background check, will find the process even easier.6 Rather than select a fingerprinting location and make an appointment, the supervisor in charge of applications at the USPS office will contact the applicant to find a time when the applicant can come to the USPS office and have their fingerprints taken.
The USPS fingerprint appointment will be discussed between the applicant and their supervisor. Although most fingerprinting services happen with a third-party provider, the USPS will have fingerprinting services available at all of their offices, making the process for applicants extremely simple.
When it comes to USPS fingerprint locations, individuals will not need to look far.
Assuming the individual applied for a position at a USPS office, their fingerprints will likely be taken at the very office they applied at.
Some individuals might be confused as to when or where to get fingerprinted to get the USPS background check process started.
There is no USPS fingerprinting appointment phone number as this appointment will be set up directly between the supervisor and the applicant.
Those who are looking for a specific list of USPS background check disqualifiers will likely be disappointed that no such list exists. However this is actually a good thing as almost all criminal history information will be examined by the USPS hiring team on a case-by-case basis.
Individuals should take the time to perform a background check on themselves in order to be better prepared for any questions about their criminal history as well as to ensure that they correctly enter any and all criminal history information when asked on the application.
How to obtain a background check for general purposes or how to obtain a background check on yourself for employment, you may ask? Individuals can perform a background check on themselves using the search bar at the top of this page. Simply enter the name of the individual to perform a public records search.
Individuals should always go through a pre-employment background check prepared with knowledge of the local laws and the company’s hiring practices.
Knowing the USPS background check disqualifiers is a great place to start, but individuals should find out as much information as possible to increase their chances for success.
Yes, there are USPS background check disqualifiers. However, there is no list available for disqualifiers because USPS takes into consideration every individual’s case.
The GIS fingerprint check that is required to work for the USPS will usually take less than two weeks to complete.
The NACI background check can take an extremely long time, sometimes as long as a year but usually several months. It is common for individuals to begin working on an interim contract while they wait for the check to clear.
The USPS GIS is a fingerprint-based background check that usually takes less than two weeks from the time the fingerprints are submitted and the proper form submitted electronically.
The GIS background check will examine all possible criminal history information from the last 5 years of residence. In most cases, the check will go back forever and find criminal history information for the individual’s entire life.
What could be more upsetting than a failed background check after a job offer? There is always the possibility of seeking an appeal for a failed background check which is a great option for individuals who failed a check due to incorrect information being found during the criminal history check.
A NACI background check login will usually be sent to the applicant by their supervisor. The email will have a link to log in and complete all the required forms for the NACI check.
All individuals undergoing a NACI check will log in the same way, regardless of if they work for the USPS or another agency that requires this check.
Concentrix is a private background check provider that performs a variety of background check services for their clients such as drug testing, credit checks, and criminal history checks.
Once a USPS background check is completed individuals will be sent a letter discussing their eligibility for the role based on the findings of the background check. Any information that led to disqualification should be listed in the letter.
Individuals who failed their USPS background check should figure out the reason for the failure to see if an appeal is necessary, and seek clarification from the hiring manager.
Unfortunately, there is no way to check the status of a NACI check.
Individuals can use the log information from when they submitted their initial application to check the status of their GIS background check.
Individuals can check their USPS background check status using their GIS login information.
The NACI background check is a public trust check required for all USPS employees.
The NACI background check is required for all USPS employees. The check examines public trust.
The hiring manager the applicant has been in contact with will reach out with details about when and where to get fingerprinted.
USPS fingerprint background checks are used to perform criminal history checks on applicants.
The hiring manager will reach out to applicants when they have submitted an application and completed the initial assessment.
USPS background checks are usually completed in less than two weeks, although the NACI check can take several months.
There is no way for applicants to contact the agency in charge of performing NACI checks for the USPS.
1United States Office of Personnel Management. (2022). Shape America’s Future. USA Jobs. Retrieved December 5, 2022, from <>
22022 United States Postal Service. (2022). The USPS Application Process. USPS. Retrieved December 02, 2022, from <>
3Oscar M. Ruebhausen Fund. (2022). Understanding Government Background Checks. Yale Law School. Retrieved December 05, 2022, from <>
4United States Government. (2022). General Information Services, Inc. Consumer Finance. Retrieved December 025, 2022, from <>
5Official Guide to Government Information and Services. (2022). Credit Reports and Scores. USA Government. Retrieved December 05, 2022, from <>
6Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2022). Identity History Summary Checks. FBI. Retrieved December 05, 2022, from <>
7U.S. Department of Justice. (2022, September 8). Entry-Level (Honors Program) and Experienced Attorneys. Department of Justice. Retrieved December 05, 2022, from <>
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