What happens when an applicant gets a failed Walmart background check?
Failing a background check for Walmart is pretty rare, and it’s usually caused by an entry error mistake or some other easily rectifiable issue.
In order to pass, conduct a records check on yourself ASAP to see what the problem is. It could be that your social security number was wrongly entered, or the data that was returned was for someone else and the clerical error assigned it to your name.
Once you have identified what element of the check resulted in a failure, you can take the necessary steps to rectify any mistakes and resubmit their background check if possible.
The following guide explains what can cause a failed Walmart background check and how to avoid it.
Walmart Background Check Overview
Walmart, like all major employers, will perform a background check as a condition of employment for all new employees. The background check procedures used by Walmart are fairly standard and will not be out of the ordinary for most individuals who have undergone a pre-employment background check at some time in their lives.

Individuals who have failed Walmart background screening should first familiarize themselves with the kind of checks that Walmart performs to better diagnose the problem that led to the failure.
At a minimum, the following checks will be included.
- Identity verification – a check performed using the individual’s SSN to determine that they are not using an alias and to ensure the background check investigator is able to complete the rest of their investigation on the correct individual.
- Local criminal history check – applicants will need to provide past addresses so that the investigator can find local criminal history information for anywhere the individual has lived in the last several years.
- National criminal history check – A national criminal history check is also performed, this is to ensure no criminal history information slipped through the cracks during the first check.
- Federal criminal history check – this check will examine criminal history information regarding federal crimes. Since federal crimes are charged in federal court, the normal state court databases will not have this information necessitating an additional check.
- Sex Offender Registry – Sex offender registries will also be checked to ensure that the individual has not been convicted of any crimes relating to sex.
- Education and Employment verification – the hiring manager will usually be in charge of reaching out to past employers and schools that the individual listed on their application.
- Credit Score – most employees will not undergo a credit check as this is mostly reserved for corporate positions to make sure they are in good financial standing and do not pose a risk of being vulnerable to bribery.
All of the checks that Walmart performs are fairly standard for the service industry with the goal to protect the assets of the employer, the other employees, and customers.
Walmart Background Check Website
Walmart uses its internal careers website to screen employees through a third-party background check company. Using a third-party background check service is common practice for large companies, such as Amazon, who find it quicker and easier to outsource this kind of job.
Individuals who have questions about their background check should contact Walmart directly, rather than the provider.
How Far Back Does Walmart Go on a Background Check?
Although laws like the FCRA1 generally allow for background checks to go back as far as they want, Walmart tends to restrict their background checks to the last 7 years. This means that individuals who have criminal records that are older than 7 years should not have much to worry about as it is unlikely that this information will be included in the background check report.
How Long Does Walmart Background Check Take?
For some people, waiting for the results can be excruciating, and they may research how long a Walmart background screening takes. A Walmart background check should take around 10 days to complete and can sometimes be completed in as little as 3 days. There are a lot of different factors that can lead to various delays in the background check process, some of which can be controlled by the applicant.

In North Dakota, anyone requesting information can access public records using state criminal justice websites, and this is true for all states in the U.S.
As far as factors outside the applicant’s control that may point to why a background check is taking longer than normal are things like holidays, system issues, or even a backlog of checks. Although most of these checks are performed online using massive court databases, the information is usually reviewed by Walmart after the information is sent by the background check provider.
There are also things that applicants commonly do that lead to delays in the background check process. Most notably, individuals should carefully check their application and background check information. Any incorrect information will be certain to lead to delays.
Mistakes as simple as a typo in the individual’s name, address, or social security number can make the check come to a halt until the individual has fixed these mistakes.
First Advantage Background Check Walmart
Previously, Walmart used a company called First Advantage to perform their background checks for them. However, individuals should contact Walmart directly with any questions about their background checks. The background check service is likely to be unable to provide the information, and it is possible that Walmart uses various background check companies in different jurisdictions.
It is fairly common for major companies to change which company they use for background checks somewhat often.
Walmart Background Check Disqualifications: Failed Walmart Background Check
Many individuals with a failed Walmart background check will want to know what the background check disqualifications are so that they can figure out what went wrong. Although Walmart does not have an exact list of disqualifying offenses, they tend to use industry standards for denying employment based on background check information.
Although there is certain information that will lead to immediate disqualification, many individuals are surprised at how few things will lead to automatic disqualification. Most of the information found in a background check will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Common crimes that are grounds for immediate disqualification generally include:
- Violent felonies
- Sexual crimes
- Crimes involving children
- Felony theft
Most of these are self-explanatory, but even individuals with felony theft charges on their record will have a chance of getting hired by Walmart.
Virtually any other criminal history information that Walmart finds will only be considered a red flag. Of course, this is not a good thing but it doesn’t automatically mean the individual is no longer being considered for the job either. Usually, when there are aspects of the applicant’s criminal history that are concerning, the hiring manager will discuss the criminal history with the applicant.
At this stage, the hiring manager is looking to determine if the individual’s criminal history will have an effect on their potential job duties and how it would affect the day-to-day operations of the store. This means that the individual’s response to the questions will determine the likelihood of them getting the job. Individuals who are prepared for these questions will have the best chance of their criminal record being overlooked.
Individuals in this situation should prepare a response that demonstrates that they are moving past their criminal history and working to better themselves.
Failed Walmart Background Check: Walmart Background Check Red Flags
The list of red flags that could lead to a failed Walmart background check is much longer than the list of automatic disqualifiers.

Since Walmart performs background checks to limit liabilities, virtually any kind of criminal record can be seen as a red flag as it can demonstrate a lack of respect for rules and authority.
Some of the more common and more serious red flags include:
- Multiple crimes of any kind
- Theft convictions of any kind
- Violent crimes of any kind
- DUI convictions, especially if there are multiple
- Drug-related charges.
All of these crimes pose a potential risk to either the store’s assets, employees, or reputation.
Anyone who has a criminal record of any kind, even if it is a single low-level misdemeanor should prepare for questions about their record. In the case of a low-level misdemeanor, even if it would normally be overlooked, if the individual has a careless attitude about their criminal record then the hiring manager will be unlikely to overlook it.
Walmart Background Check Status
Individuals who have applied for Walmart and are waiting on the results of their background check can use the Walmart careers website to learn the status of their checks. Individuals who have submitted applications can check their application status by logging on to the associate background screening program to check the status.
Walmart Background Check Pending
A pending background check status means that the background check is in progress but has not been completed yet. Many people will get nervous and may suspect a failed Walmart background check when the status remains pending for a long period of time. However, as mentioned above, there are tons of reasons for a background check to take slightly longer than normal so individuals should remain patient until something changes.
If more than two weeks pass, it may be time to contact Walmart to inquire about their background check.
Walmart Background Check Says Decisional
A background check with a “decisional status,” is a fairly common occurrence and will happen when a background check returns information that needs review. Virtually anyone with a criminal history of any kind will see their status change to decisional at some time. When this happens, the hiring manager will review what was found and make the decision if the individual is still eligible for hire based on the information that was uncovered.
Walmart Background Check Eligible for Hire
Eligible for hire is the best possible outcome as it means the background check was passed and the individual will proceed to the next step in the hiring process.
Walmart Background Check Not Working
If the Walmart background check system is not working it is usually best to simply wait and try again at another time. Sometimes a system outage or routine maintenance can make the background check system not function properly. Individuals who are continuing to have trouble should consider trying a different internet browser before contacting Walmart about the issue.
Failed Walmart Background Check
Failing a Walmart background check can be an extremely frustrating experience. However, individuals will still have a few different options based on why the background check failed. If the background check failed it usually means there was something on the individual’s criminal record that simply can not be overlooked.
Anytime that an individual fails a background check and is deemed ineligible for employment, the employer is required by law to notify the individual of the reason for the decision in writing.

(Image: Federal Trade Commission1)
After a failed Walmart background check, individuals should receive an email with the specific aspect of the background check that led to the decision. In this case, there is little else that can be done and the individual should look for employment elsewhere.
However, there are a surprising amount of mistakes that appear on a background check that might warrant some additional research. Some individuals may find they failed a Walmart background due to criminal history information, despite not having a criminal history of any kind. If this happens, individuals should immediately contact Walmart about filing a dispute with the results of the background check.
Background check services are legally required to allow for appeals in case information is incorrect. This can happen for a number of reasons such as a clerical mistake at the courthouse with records or even with the way the background check company performed their search such as using the criminal history information of another individual with the same name.
Mistakes like this are the main reason that it is so important to perform a background check on yourself before an employer performs an official check.
Performing a check on yourself not only allows individuals to know the exact information that an employer will be viewing and prepare a response for any questions, but it also allows individuals to fix any mistakes on their background check. Catching mistakes beforehand will allow individuals to avoid any issues with the hiring process and make any delays unlikely.
Individuals can perform a background check on themselves in several different ways. The easiest method is to use the search bar at the top of this page to perform a free public records search which will turn up any criminal history information on the individual.
Official background checks through a government agency are also an option but to carry a fee with them. Individuals can use the list below to find out how to undergo an official state background check. Finally, the most thorough and most expensive option would be to perform a federal background check on yourself, such as the FBI Identity History Summary check.2
Walmart Job Offer Process
After completing and passing a Walmart background check the next step in the hiring process will be to accept a job offer that will be sent shortly after the background check results are made official. Once the job offer is accepted individuals will determine the best start date with their hiring manager and attend orientation for their new job.
Applying for a job is almost always a stressful time, especially when a background check is involved. Luckily, by learning what Walmart is looking for in a background check individuals can have some peace of mind and understand their chances of having a failed Walmart background check.
Frequently Asked Questions About Failed Walmart Background Check