How Long Does a Background Check Take for a Gun? (Check Your State)

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Background Checks | May 31, 2024

How long does a background check take for a gun purchase a man wonders while scratching his chin and looking at a clock and thinking and wondering how long is a background check good for a gun with a computer screen showing a firearm and dollar sign cost for how long does a background check take for a shotgun with a gun background check on the right with a status code showing what happens if you fail a background check for a gun.

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How long does a background check take for a gun? The answer depends on a number of factors… everything from database accessibility to individual state law.

The National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) that is used for running background checks on gun purchases significantly decreases the time it takes to get a criminal background check, but state laws also play a significant role.

In addition to the time frame, state laws also impact the things that will be part of what information is included in a background check for guns. For example, many people ask:

Since these and other factors can be present on a person’s criminal record, the only way to navigate the labyrinth is to know the exact laws for the particular state, and then understand what shows up on a level 2 background check for a gun.

If in doubt about your criminal history, anyone can learn how to obtain a criminal background check on themselves before attempting to purchase a firearm.

But, this guide provides all the necessary information for purchasing firearms in any state, and the time frame and waiting periods that accompany buying a gun.

Gun Background Check: What Does a Gun Background Check Show?

The main issue that can become a major cause for confusion anytime gun ownership is discussed is the massive disparity in state gun laws. Almost every state has some kind of unique gun law and even more confusing is that jurisdictions within the state may have their own gun laws.

Of course, all of these gun laws must also abide by federal firearms laws, making answering questions like “What is the duration of a background check for a gun?” difficult to answer with a simple amount.

Massachusetts state law screenshot about public welfare and mental health as it relates to a gun background check and firearm background check

Image Source:

Federal background check laws are slightly less confusing than many state gun laws, and since they must be enforced in every state, regardless of local laws, they are a great place to start. The following checks are just some of what will be checked by the FBI as part of a federal gun background check:

  • State and local criminal history check
  • National criminal history check
  • Federal criminal history check
  • Check for dishonorable discharge from the U.S. military.
  • Check that the individual has not renounced their U.S. citizenship.
  • Check for active warrants
  • Mental Health checks
  • Active protective orders against the individual.
  • Drug and alcohol abuse checks

Although some of these checks are fairly standard and are even commonplace on a pre-employment background check, some of the checks are quite unique. Specifically, a juvenile criminal record check is fairly rare and normally not even allowed under federal law, however, there is an exception for firearms purchases, sometimes. When it comes to how long the background check will take, most federal checks should be completed within a few minutes to less than 1 day.

How Long Does the Background Check for a Gun Take?

As mentioned, gun ownership laws vary from state to state. With these different laws different amounts of time to actually finalize the purchase of a firearm. These include not just laws determining what kind of background checks are required but also things like mandatory waiting periods that can add time to the process.

Screenshot from the California Department of Justice Bureau of Firearms about firearms prohibiting categories.

Image Source:

Furthermore, the kind of gun being purchased also has an impact on how long it takes to purchase the gun. Although some states will have the same waiting period for all firearms, some states make distinctions between different kinds of rifles and handguns.

For example in Tennessee, state firearm laws allow individuals as young as 18 to purchase rifles and other certain kinds of long guns. However only individuals 21 and older are able to purchase handguns in the state, and there is no waiting period.

Can You Buy a Gun Legally Without a Background Check?

It is possible to buy a gun legally without a background check. Federal law only required firearms background checks if the firearm is being purchased from a federally licensed firearm dealer. However, the private sale of a firearm does not need to abide by these laws and only requires that the individual making the sale has no reason to believe that the purchaser is exempt from purchasing firearms.

Brady Permits

Many states issue what are known as Brady Permits. These permits allow the individual who is purchasing a gun to be exempt from the federal firearm background checks that are normally required, using the permit or using their CCW or a Concealed Carry permit. Many of these states will have special conditions that need to be met to qualify for an exemption.

The first thing to do before purchasing a firearm is to check the state firearms laws. The state firearm law for each state can be found in the list below.

State Minimum AgeState Firearm LawSpecial Conditions to Purchase a Gun
Alabama18Section 13A-11-751Concealed carry without permit allowed.
Alaska18AS 11.61.2202Brady permits are available. Concealed carry without permit allowed.
Arizona1813-31-083Brady permits are available. Concealed carry without permit allowed.
California18Pen. Code, § 167204Brady permits are available.
Colorado18[C.R.S. 18-12-105(2)]5None
Connecticut18Sec. 29-286None
Delaware18Chapter 207Firearms can only be sold after a background check has been passed or 25 days have elapsed.
Florida18F.S. 943.108None
Georgia1816-11-126 7Brady permits are available.
Hawaii18Section 1348Brady permits are available.
Idaho18Title 1811Brady permits are available. Concealed carry without permit allowed.
Illinois18Chapter 43012Unlicensed sellers must contact state police prior to sale to verify license.
Indian18Title 3513None
Iowa18Title VI14Brady permits are available. Concealed carry without permit allowed.
Kansa18Chapter 1215Brady permits are available. Concealed carry without permit allowed.
Kentucky18Title 1416Brady permits are available. Concealed carry without permit allowed.
Louisiana18Title 141Brady permits are available.
Maine18Title 1517Concealed carry without permit allowed.
Maryland18Title 418None
Massachusetts18Title XVII19Firearm license required
Michigan18Chapter 320Brady permits are available.
Minnesota18Chapter 62421State Background check required.
Missouri18Chapter 57122Concealed carry without permit allowed.
Mississippi18Title 4523Brady permits are available. Concealed carry without permit allowed.
Montana18Chapter 8 Part 324Brady permits are available. Concealed carry without permit allowed.
Nebraska18Chapter 2825Brady permits are available.
Nevada18Chapter 20226Brady permits are available.
New Hampshire18Title XII27Concealed carry without permit allowed.
New Jersey18Title 2C28None
New Mexico18Chapter 3029None
New York18Article 391None
North Carolina18G.S. 50B 3.131Brady permits are available.
North Dakota18Title 12.132Brady permits are available. Concealed carry without permit allowed.
Ohio18Title 2933Brady permits are available. Concealed carry without permit allowed.
Oklahoma18Chapter 5334Concealed carry without permit allowed.
Oregon18Title 1635None
Pennsylvania18Title 1836None
Rhode Island18Title 11 Chapter 47State background check required.
South Carolina18Title 1637Brady permits are available.
South Dakota18Title 22-1438Brady permits are available. Concealed carry without permit allowed.
Tennessee18Title 39 Chapter 1739Concealed carry without permit allowed.
Texas18Title 1040Brady permits are available. Concealed carry without permit allowed.
Utah18Title 5341Brady permits are available. Concealed carry without permit allowed.
Vermont18Title 13 Chapter 8542Concealed carry without permit allowed.
Virginia18Title 18.243None
Washington18Title 9 Chapter 9.4144None
West Virginia18Chapter 61 Article 745Brady permits are available. Concealed carry without permit allowed.
Wisconsin18Chapter 94146None
Wyoming18Title 6-8-10447Brady permits are available. Concealed carry without permit allowed.

How Long Does a Background Check Take for a Gun in All 50 States?

As mentioned, one of the biggest factors when it comes to answering firearm ownership questions like “How much time does a gun purchase background check take?” Is the kind of gun being purchased.

Each state has unique laws regarding how old an individual has to be to purchase a specific kind of gun and often there will be different processes to get different kinds of firearms.

Maryland state laws and ordinances for gun purchases and answering questios like what does a gun background check show, and can you buy a gun legally without a background check, and how long does the background check for a gun take

Image Source:

Similar to Tennessee, California firearms laws also make a distinction in the age to purchase a handgun compared to a rifle. Individuals 18 and older are able to legally purchase rifles in California but to purchase a handgun the individual must be over the age of 21. California also requires private gun sales to go through a licensed dealer to sell a gun, as opposed to other states that allow private sellers to sell their guns without any kind of licensed body being involved.

The same distinction between ages for handgun and rifle purchases is also part of Texas firearms laws. However, New York has a slightly different law that only allows individuals 21 and older to purchase a firearm unless they were honorably discharged from the military, in which case they can purchase a firearm as long as they are 18 or older.

Below is the typical background check length for various kinds of firearms in each state. Since the NICS check is now instant, the only thing that would cause a delay is a system crash or other unforeseen circumstances.

How Long Does a Background Check Take for a Gun?HandgunsLong Guns
StateRevolversPistols (Semi-Auto, Bolt Action)Shotgun and CarbinesRifle (Repeating Action)Rifle (Bolt or Lever Action)
ALInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
AKInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
AZInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
ARInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
CAInstant > 1 day. 10-day waiting period for all firearms. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. 10-day waiting period for all firearms. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. 10-day waiting period for all firearms. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. 10-day waiting period for all firearms. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. 10 day waiting period for all firearms. Must be 21 to buy.
COInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
CTInstant > 1 day. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
DEInstant > 1 day. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
FLInstant > 1 day. 3-day waiting period or the time it takes to complete a background check, whichever occurs later. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. 3-day waiting period or the time it takes to complete a background check, whichever occurs later. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. 3-day waiting period or the time it takes to complete a background check, whichever occurs later. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. 3-day waiting period or the time it takes to complete a background check, whichever occurs later. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. 3-day waiting period or the time it takes to complete a background check, whichever occurs later. Must be 21 to buy.
GAInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
HIInstant > 1 day. 14-day waiting period. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. 14-day waiting period. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. 14-day waiting period. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day.14-day waiting period. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. 14-day waiting period. Must be 21 to buy.
IDInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
ILInstant > 1 day. 72-hour waiting period. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. 72-hour waiting period. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. 72-hour waiting period. Must be 21 to buy. 

Instant > 1 day. 72-hour waiting period. Must be 21 to buy.



Instant > 1 day. 72-hour waiting period. Must be 21 to buy.


INInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
IAInstant > 1 day. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
KSInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
KYInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
LAInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
MEInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
MDInstant > 1 day. >1 day. Must wait 7 days. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. >1 day. Must wait 7 days. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. >1 day.Instant > 1 day. >1 day.Instant > 1 day. >1 day.
MAInstant > 1 day. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
MIInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
MNInstant > 1 day. 7 day waiting period for handgunsInstant > 1 day. 7 day waiting period for handgunsInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
MSInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
MOInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
MTInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
NEInstant > 1 day. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
NVInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
NHInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
NJInstant > 1 day. 7-day waiting period for handguns. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. 7-day waiting period for handguns. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
NMInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
NYInstant > 1 day. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
NCInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
NDInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
OHInstant > 1 day. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
OKInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
PAInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
RIInstant > 1 day. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
SCInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
SDInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
TNInstant > 1 day. Must be 21 to buyInstant > 1 day. Must be 21 to buyInstant > 1 day. Must be 18 to buyInstant > 1 day. Must be 18 to buyInstant > 1 day. Must be 18 to buy
TXInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
UTInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
VTInstant > 1 day. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. Must be 21 to buy.
VAInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
WAInstant > 1 day. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. 10-day waiting period for semi-automatic rifles. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. 10-day waiting period for semi-automatic rifles. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. 10-day waiting period for semi-automatic rifles. Must be 21 to buy.
WVInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
WIInstant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.
WYInstant > 1 day. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day. Must be 21 to buy.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.Instant > 1 day.

How Long Does It Take To Buy a Gun?

As with any question involving firearms purchases, the answer depends on many factors.But, the general rule is no longer than 3-5 days. In many states, the purchase can be done instantaneously.

At a bare minimum, gun purchases can be made immediately if the sale is made by a private seller in a state that does not require background checks.

When buying through a licensed gun seller the question of “how long does a background check take for a gun?” also plays a major role in the total time of the process.

Close-up view of a gun and money on the table.

(Image: Gio Bartlett49)

In states that do not require waiting periods, purchasing a gun through a licensed dealer should take 3 days at most, but usually, the check is ‘instant,’ meaning it can take about 30 mins. This is because federal law states that even when a background check is required if the check takes more than 72 hours, the sale can still go through.

In general, the maximum an individual would need to wait is 14 days. This would only be the case in a state that requires a firearm permit to purchase a gun, as well as a waiting period before the transfer of the firearms, takes place.

What Does a Background Check for a Gun Require?

Background check requirements for gun purchases will vary from state to state. Federal checks generally focus on national, state, and federal criminal history checks, as well as mental health checks such as ensuring the individual making the purchase, does not have a history of drug or alcohol abuse.

The best thing to do is to check the gun law list at the top, to better understand the state’s gun laws or run a search on yourself using a free 7 day trial background check to identify any offenses that would cause a denial.

What Happens If You Fail a Background Check for a Gun?

Depending on the reason for failing the background check, there is generally an appeal process that individuals can go through. However, with a gun background check fail, unless the check show active warrants for an arrest, the result will be that the person who failed will not be allowed to purchase a firearm.

Keep in mind that certain reasons will not allow for appeals to be made.

What Causes Delays in Background Checks for Firearms?

There are a number of reasons for delays in background checks, especially for the FBI background check that is often required.

Something as simple as a federal holiday can slow the process down slightly. Slightly more common is an influx in gun purchases, since the background checks are performed by an individual, a large increase in the number of checks can cause a backlog that will slow down checks for everybody.

How Does the Federal Background Check System for Guns Work?

The federal background check system for guns is quite simple. Known as the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) individuals wishing to purchase a firearm simply fill out a form provided by the seller, which is then electronically sent to the NICS.

The NICS performs the check and then makes a decision whether to approve or deny the request.

Understanding state and federal gun laws can be difficult. Luckily, with legal statutes easily accessible online it is easier than ever to figure out how long does a background check take for a gun?

Frequently Asked Questions About How Long Does a Background Check Take for a Gun

Can You Buy a Gun Legally Without a Background Check?

Yes, in most states private sellers can transfer firearms without performing a background check.

How Long Does the Background Check for a Gun Take?

A gun background check should only take a few days. In certain states, specific checks can take longer but shouldn’t be more than two weeks.

How Long Is a Background Check Good for a Gun?

In most states, individuals will have to undergo a background check for each new purchase.

How Long Do Background Checks Take for a Gun?

A gun background check should only take 2-Instant and not more than two weeks.

How Long Can a Background Check Take for a Gun?

A gun background check for a gun can take up to two weeks in some cases. This will depend on state laws and the kind of checks that are required.

How Long Does a Background Check Take for a Shotgun?

A shotgun purchase background check shouldn’t take longer than any other firearm background check unless state laws make a distinction for shotguns and require additional checks.

How Long Does a Background Check Take for a Handgun?

Handgun background checks should only take Instant at most and are sometimes completed in as little as 20 minutes.

How Long Does It Take for a Background Check for a Gun To Come Back?

Gun background check results should be available within 2-Instant.

How Long Does a Background Check Take for a Gun 2022?

A gun background check takes only 2-Instant. Sometimes this is longer if there is a large influx of background check requests.

How Long Does f Background Check Take for a Gun in Washington State?

All gun purchases in Washington state must undergo a federal background check which takes Instant or less.

How Long Does Academy Background Check Take for Gun?

A gun background check should clear in Instant at most.

What Are the Gun Background Check Wait Times 2022?

There are generally minimal wait times for a gun background check, so checks should be completed in less than 72 hours.

How Long Does a Background Check Take for a Gun California?

Gun background checks in California should only take 2-Instant to complete, however, California does have a 10-day waiting period on firearms purchases.

How To Find Out If You Can Purchase a Gun in Texas?

Visiting a licensed firearm dealer will be the most dependable method to find out if you are eligible to purchase a gun in Texas. Simply fill out the background check forms and await approval.

How Long Does a Gun Delay Take in California?

California has a 10-day waiting period on all firearms purchases in the state.

What Disqualifies You From Owning a Gun in California?

California has many disqualifiers for would-be firearm owners. The most updated list can be found here.48

How Long Does a Background Check Take for a Gun in CO?

Background checks in Colorado should take less than 48 hours and are often completed in minutes.


1Alison DB Alabama. (2022). Effective until the implementation of Act 2021-246) Permit to carry pistol in vehicle or concealed on person – Issuance; fee; revocation; release of information. Section 13A-11-75. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

2The Alaska State Legislature. (2022). AS 11.61.220. Alaska Statutes 2020. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

3Arizona State Legislature. (2022). 13-3108. Firearms regulated by state; state preemption; injunction; civil penalty; cause of action; violation; classification; definition. View Document. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

4California Department of Justice. (2016). California Firearms Laws Summary. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

5Colorado Department of Public Safety. (2022). Colorado Gun Laws. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <,own%20a%20firearm%20in%20Colorado>

6CGA. (2022). Permit for sale at retail of pistol or revolver. Permit to carry pistol or revolver. Confidentiality of name and address of permit holder. Permits for out-of-state residents. Sec. 29-28. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

7Delaware General Assembly. (2022). CHAPTER 20. 147th GENERAL ASSEMBLY. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

8Online Sunshine. (2021). 943.10. The 2021 Florida Statutes. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

9Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Georgia. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

10Department of the Attorney Genera. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Hawaii. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

11Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Idaho. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

12Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Illinois. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

13Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Indiana. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

14Iowa Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Iowa. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

15Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Kansas. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

16Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Kentucky. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

17Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Maine. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

18Office of the Attorney General. (n.d.). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Maryland. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

19Office of the Attorney General. (n.d.). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Massachusetts. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

20Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Michigan. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

21Office of the Attorney General. (n.d.). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Minnesota. <>

22Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Missouri. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

23Office of the Attorney General. (n.d.). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Mississippi. <>

24Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Montana. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

25Office of the Attorney General. (n.d.). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Nebraska. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

26Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Nevada. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

27Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – New Hampshire. <>

28Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – New Jersey. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

29Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – New Mexico. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

30Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – New York. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

31Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – North Carolina. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <,so%20long%20as%20that%20protective>

32Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – North Dakota. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <,1.,5801%2D5872%5D.>

33Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Ohio. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

34Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Oklahoma. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

35Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Oregon. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

36Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Pennsylvania. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

37Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – South Carolina. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

38Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – South Dakota. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

39Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Tennessee. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

40Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Texas. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

41Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Utah. Retrieved Mar 03, 2022, from <>

42Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Vermont. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

43Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Virginia. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

44Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Washington. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

45Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – West Virginia. <>

46Office of the Attorney General (Ed.). (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Wisconsin. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>

47Office of the Attorney General. (2019). State Laws and Published Ordinances – Wyoming. Retrieved May 03, 2022, from <>


49Photo by Gio Bartlett. Resized and Change format. Unsplash. Retrieved June 1, 2024, from <>

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